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Universal love : brings us true life
"To know how to live in a brotherly way with those around us is to be rich, for each of us, with our face, eyes, voice and thoughts, contributes something alive, something warm, which nourishes everyone. If you knew how to receive these blessings, you would draw so much love from everyone around you that you would feel completely fulfilled. Who is stopping you? You will say: ‘But there would be revolution among the couples. Who will agree to have his or her partner be loved by another man or woman?’ You misunderstand me: it is not a question of the love of one woman or one man, but of all human beings. Who can object to this? There is no question of jealousy here, because everyone will receive this love. But people do not know how to live with love or be happy with love; they isolate themselves in pairs in a little hole, and they consider the issue settled. No, they do not know what true love is because they do not know what true life is. True life is the fraternal life, the universal life, in communion with all beings."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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