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Universal panacea : its relations with the sun
"Man will always be driven to find ways to postpone old age and death. This is good, because we have work to accomplish on earth, and a long life gives us greater possibilities. But life belongs to God, and to God alone. Whatever we do, we will never conquer sickness and death, that is to say, sickness and death of a physical nature. Sooner or later we must understand that our wish for immortality can be fulfilled only by means of a spiritual practice. The spiritual life is the true panacea which will cure us of all our ills. In the Tree of Life, the universal panacea is related to the sephirah Tiphareth, the sephira of the sun. And this must be understood not only from a physical point of view, but also and above all from a spiritual perspective. The Archangel of the sun is named Mikhael (meaning ‘Who is like unto God’), because for the inhabitants of earth, the life which comes from the sun represents the most powerful and eloquent expression of divine life. By linking ourselves with the sun, we transform our entire being into a receptacle for the divine life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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