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Universal religion : is the solar religion
"In our Brotherhood, we live the great Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter as simply as we live the other days: we pray, meditate and sing. And even if we give special thought to the birth, death or resurrection of Christ, we do nothing exceptional. If this leaves some people dissatisfied, they are free to go and celebrate these festivals in their churches or their temples. Everyone must decide what form to give to his religious feelings, and he must allow others to do the same. The fact that they have different beliefs and rituals must never be a reason for people to attack each other. It is unwise to destroy the lives of others in the name of such and such a religious founder. Rather than provoking endless disorder and strife, people must embrace one another, help one another and fraternize with one another. In doing so they will demonstrate that they are followers of the one true religion, the universal religion of light and love, whose model is the sun. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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