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Values : to know them provides as the foundation for spiritual work
"Just as precious stones never lose their value, nothing can diminish the value of the qualities and virtues we possess within ourselves. From the moment we begin working to develop them, no matter what happens, in spite of our mistakes, failures, disappointment and suffering, we must be preoccupied with nothing else. The slightest doubt reveals our ignorance of true values. You want to see results… But don’t you already have these results, since you know that everything good is eternal? You say: ‘Oh, that is beyond me.’ Yes, I understand, but even if you cannot grasp everything today, it does not matter: you will succeed later, in a year, in ten years, in twenty years, or in another incarnation. Inevitably, you will one day understand all these truths. If you abandon them on the pretext that they are beyond you, you will obviously succeed at nothing. In order to understand one day, you must at least begin working today. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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