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Water : analogy with life
"Life has often been compared to flowing water. But what a difference between water that gushes forth from a spring on a mountain peak and water which arrives at the mouth of a river, having absorbed all sorts of impurities and even toxic substances! Pure or polluted, water is always water, just as life is always life, but nothing is more life-enhancing than pure water, whereas polluted water brings death. Life springs forth from the bosom of God and descends to water all creatures. But because human beings are unconscious of the sacred nature of life, they pollute the life of God, the water of God. You are astonished, and you ask: ‘But how can we pollute the divine life?’ Each time that we fail to be wise, loving and disinterested, it is as though we were throwing waste into God’s river. The river does not protest; it accepts everything in order to help human beings. It waits for them to become conscious of their responsibilities for the preservation of cosmic life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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