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We reap what we have sown : is an absolute law
"The first law of morality is very simple and can be observed in the field of agriculture: we reap what we have sown. This means that if you do good, you will one day reap the fruits of it. You will say that we cannot always see the fruits of good in the world. This is because we do not make our observations over a sufficiently long period of time. Cosmic laws are in less of a hurry than we are. They obey another kind of time, and this is why the rewards often appear somewhat delayed…and the punishments too, for that matter. If you become impatient, if you rebel because you feel you have not received the rewards you deserve, you complicate the situation. Why suffer and torment yourself? Sooner or later, without fail, these rewards will come, and if you do not waste time waiting for them, you will be free, detached. If you rebel, it means you are not in possession of the truth. For every good deed you have done, the gifts are already on the way, so have faith!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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