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Winter : what it represents in our psychic life
"Spring, summer, autumn and winter – each season corresponds to events in our psychic life, and it is winter that symbolizes life’s difficulties. In winter, all the forces in plant life descend and concentrate in the roots where they carry out a great work. The roots correspond to the subconscious. In winter, that is in periods of difficulty, suffering or solitude, our forces withdraw inside us, into our subconscious, where they prepare great changes. To live in winter is certainly difficult, but it is in winter that spring is prepared; soon these forces will be freed, and once again there will be blossoms everywhere and an abundant harvest. Thus, we must simply be patient and wait for the currents to rise once again into our consciousness and superconsciousness. But in order to facilitate this process, certain laws must be understood: during this cold period, you must neither complain, rebel, nor become discouraged, but simply light the fire within you, in order to rekindle your own heart and the hearts of everyone else. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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