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Work : without Work, faith and hope are not sufficient
"In order to console Christians, the Church tells them: ‘You are poor, weak and sick, but have hope and faith, for God’s love is infinite, and one day you will be on his right side in Paradise.’ So God’s circle must be made up of poor, pitiful devils dressed in rags! Unfortunately for Christians, God wishes to be surrounded only in splendour, with the most luminous, the most powerful and the purest beings. Therefore Christians should not count so much on experiencing in heaven all the bliss they have not known on earth. They should work instead to activate the spiritual powers within them, which will enable them to obtain light, love and joy. When you sow a seed, all the powers of heaven and earth are present to sustain your work, and you will soon have flowers and fruits. But if you have sown nothing, nothing will grow, even if you have hope and faith."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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