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Work : to achieve it in oneself is more important than ideologies
"Religions are accused of having massacred human beings in the name of the love of God. And it is true. But it is also true that those who have advocated the love of human beings have been as guilty of serious mistakes as those who have preached the love of God. Atheists, as well as believers, have ruthlessly murdered their kin, and the citizens of nations ruled by political regimes hostile to all forms of religion have been neither freer nor happier. So it is not the fault of religion. It is the fault of human beings who do not see that it is essential above all to study oneself and seek the best methods for transforming oneself. This is why they spoil everything they touch: not only religion, but also philosophy, politics, science, art and so on. These are only what human beings make of them. People must understand that what is most important is to carry out a work on themselves to improve their thoughts, their feelings and their actions."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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