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Work for the light : follow it despite hostilities
"Those who want to work for the benefit of humanity must not expect to be welcomed wherever they go with understanding and gratitude; they must realise they will awaken hostile forces as well. Knowing this, they take precautions and continue their work. Just because we might arouse hostility does not mean that we should cease to work for the light; in this, too, we must learn to be daring and continue our work. Those who want to live in peace and quiet must not aspire to accomplish anything great or courageous, but must remain insignificant and unobtrusive. In doing so, of course, they will provoke no reaction. But is the solution to renounce everything great and beautiful in life in order to live in peace? No, despite the difficulties, despite the opposition and criticism, you must choose the path of generosity, of nobility, and continue on to victory!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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