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‘You are the temple of the living God’ : commentaries
"It is said in the Gospels: ‘For you are the temple of the living God.’ Yes, a human being who has reinforced his will, purified his heart, enlightened his mind, expanded his soul and sanctified his spirit has become a true temple. His physical body is itself a temple, and he can invite God to come and dwell in it. Unfortunately, most human beings do not take care of their temple; they continually damage it by using it to satisfy their instincts and to seek out pleasure. The body is no longer a temple but a stable, or a barn, similar to the Temple of Jerusalem where the merchants brought all kinds of animals and fowl to be sold. Everyone considered this to be normal except Jesus, who made a whip of cords and drove out all who were buying and selling, saying: ‘Take these things away; you shall not make my Father’s house a house of trade.’ So, do not imitate the sellers in the temple; do not turn your body into a den of animals, or it will not be God who comes to dwell there, but inferior entities, the undesirables who like to feed on impure matter. And with such tenants, how do you think you are going to feel?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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