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Daily Meditation: Friday, October 15, 2004
Intellectual faculties - their development represents only one stage
"In successfully taming the forces of nature by means of technology, human beings have attained an extraordinary level intellectually. But this is not yet the evolution the Creator has envisioned for the beings He created in His image. What He envisages, far beyond scientific or philosophical aptitudes, are faculties such as intuition, that is to say, the immediate understanding, the direct vision of things. You will say: ‘But why then have human beings been encouraged to develop their intellectual faculties?' Because they are necessary, and if human beings do not possess these preliminary faculties, they will not be able to access the higher ones. It has been necessary for humanity to head in this direction and move through certain specific stages in order to develop new faculties today but, of course, without relinquishing those already acquired. The intellectual faculties must still be perfected and at the same time must remain subordinate to the new faculties coming to light."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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