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Daily Meditation: Sunday, January 26, 2025
Energies - devoting our energies to the service of a high ideal
"When we are still very young, each of us should think of preparing favourable conditions for the future, by devoting our energies to the service of a high ideal. For once consecrated, these energies attract corresponding particles of subtle matter, which serve to make our physical body and psychic bodies gradually more supple and resilient.*
Matter cannot exist without energy, and energy needs a material support to which to bind itself. This means that those who devote their energies to crude or chaotic activities attract particles of opaque, impure matter, and quickly sink into decrepitude a few years later. So try to understand how important it is to orient your energies towards celestial regions, for they necessarily bind themselves to fine and subtle particles, the only ones that can be drawn towards the heights, and as these particles accumulate, they prepare the best possible conditions for your future."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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