1999-2025 Prosveta
Daily Meditation: Sunday, February 16, 2025
Work with love and you will not feel tired -
"You can work for hours on end with love and not feel the least bit tired. But work for only a few minutes in a state of discontent, anger or revolt, and everything starts to seize up inside you, and you will feel exhausted. It is important to understand the efficacy and the power of love. Everything you do must be done with love or not at all. For whatever you do without love wears you out and drains you, so you need not be surprised if you run out of steam.
Working without love is like taking a dose of poison. You will say that there are things you dislike, but it is your duty to carry them out. Granted, you do not enjoy everything you have to do, but try all the same to work with love—it is up to you.*"Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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