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Daily Meditation: Monday, June 17, 2024
The Lord - imposing your will on Him by fighting with the arms of love
"If you really want something, you can impose your will even on God. Yes, if you know how to wrestle with him, the victory can be yours. Are you suffering and under stress? Do you have the feeling that God has abandoned you, or that he wants to crush you? So turn to him and say, ‘Lord, you have declared war on me. You want to strike me down, but I will not give in. I’m going to fight you.’
How can you fight God? With the very same weapons that he uses. Since God is love, you must fight using the arms of love. Draw near to him, put your arms round his neck, and tell him, ‘I love you, Lord. You can do what you like with me, I accept it.’ Then the Lord will scratch his head and say to himself, ‘What am I to do about this child? I cannot go on making him suffer’. He will think on it, embrace you, and your battle will be over. You will once again dwell in his peace and light. This is how you can defeat the Lord: through love.*"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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