1999-2024 Prosveta
Daily Meditation: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Work with thought - the most important work for your future
"Never forget that it is your work with thought that is the most important for your future. It is this work that will enable you, day by day, to move closer to the fulfilment of your ideal. Every day, by means of your prayers and meditation, you add an element to the edifice – a brick, a block, some mortar, a plank, a nail, and so on.
What a joy it is to feel that you are doing something, that you are making progress! It may well be that your joy will be less when you finally complete your edifice; yes, you may feel a little let down when it is already done. Human beings find more happiness in work, activity and hope, and in the thought that there is always something more to discover and to achieve, than in the accomplishment.*"Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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