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Life Force
Life Force
Ref. : C0005AN
262 pages - 1 illustration - 1 photo
ISBN 2-85566-419-5
Translated into : Français Deutsch Italiano Español
Price:   24.95  $

Table of contents

1. Life
2. Character and Temperament
3. Good and Evil
4. Pitting Oneself Against the Dragon
5. Presence and Absence
6. Thoughts are Living Entities
7. Unwanted Guests
8. The Strength of the Spirit
9. Sacrifice
10. A High Ideal
11. Peace



'Human beings come and go, work and play, and busy themselves with all kinds of things, never realizing that their life is growing dim and dirty because they do nothing to protect it. They think that the life they have received is theirs to dispose of, and that they have a right to use it for pleasure or become rich, learned or renowned, as they please. So they draw on their reserves without restraint until, one day, they find themselves utterly spent and obliged to abandon all their activities. It is completely senseless to behave like that for, once we have wasted our supply of life, we have no other resources to fall back on.
The Sages have always said that the only thing that is essential is life itself, and that we must protect, purify and sanctify it and eliminate whatever may hinder or prevent it from developing. And, if we do so, life will give us everything else: health, strength, power, intelligence and beauty - every thing ! The highest form of magic, the highest form of White Magic is to lead a pure, luminous life.'


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