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Selected meditation: Wednesday, November 15, 1995
"Many people wear talismans with the conviction that they will be helped and protected! No, even a very powerful talisman is not enough to ensure the help and protection of entities from the invisible world. You can only count on the power of a talisman if you work spiritually and physically in harmony with what it represents, with its powers and virtues, for it is like a creature which needs to be strengthened and nourished by foods that correspond to it. If it has been impregnated with purity, you must live a life of purity; if it has been impregnated with light, you must maintain the light; if it has been impregnated with force, you must see to it that this force is fed, and so on. Otherwise, what has been done on the one hand, you destroy on the other. Neither a talisman, a cross nor a medal, even if it has been blessed, will protect you if you do not wear it inwardly in the form of divine qualities and virtues. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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