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Selected meditation: Sunday, June 30, 2019
Spiritual riches - the only ones celestial entities are drawn to
"When you invite friends over, you know how to welcome them if you want them to feel comfortable in your home and for them to want to come again. Not only do you offer them your best food, you serve it on the best china you save for special occasions. If you know how to draw conclusions from this simple fact of everyday life, you will become more vigilant. The moment you are tempted to waste your inner riches, a sort of warning bell will go off, and you will do your best to hold on to them. You will sense that these are foods that you must save for celestial guests in order to attract them and make them stay.
Also tell yourself that, contrary to what goes on in human societies where distinguished guests usually only accept invitations from those who belong to the same social class, spiritual entities only consider souls. They immediately feel which are noble, beautiful and capable of welcoming them, and it is to them that they pay a visit. These entities see princes and princesses in the souls of those who have learnt to welcome and nourish them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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