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Selected meditation: Friday, August 23, 2024
Sex - psychically, human beings possess both the masculine and the feminine principles
"Physically, a person can only be a man or a woman, and it is generally impossible to be mistaken on this point. Psychically, however, things are far more complex. Psychically, every human being has the two principles: the masculine and the feminine. Man can therefore not be likened to the masculine principle, nor woman to the feminine principle. In the Chinese representation of yin and yang, for instance, the black, feminine yin contains a white dot, and the white, masculine yang contains a black dot, to explain that the masculine always contains a feminine part, and vice versa.
Living men and women are not abstract principles: living men and women are a combination of masculine and feminine in unequal proportions and, what is more, from one incarnation to another they may even change sex physically. For it has been established by Cosmic Intelligence that, in order to grow and perfect themselves, people should know the two states, the two conditions, and so learn to acquire the qualities of both principles fully.*"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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