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Selected meditation: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"When you go to a shop to make purchases, you always have to give something in exchange for what you are requesting. This is called payment. If you don’t want to pay, you won’t be given anything. It is the same on the spiritual plane. But there, the payment is of a different kind. The heavenly entities say, ‘Give us your heart, and we will give you what you request.’ But you reply, ‘I can’t, my heart is taken, I have already given it to others. I have a wife, children, a mistress (or a lover), habits I can’t give up, I have no more heart to give.’ That is why your prayers are not answered.
You always think you will be able to obtain heaven’s help, its peace and its light, without giving anything in return. That’s impossible; to obtain heaven’s blessings, you have to give it at least part of your conscious attention, part of your love, of your time and of your daily efforts."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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